

We appreciate your visit to our site and we understand that you may have concerns about the privacy of information that you may provide to us. It is important to us that visitors feel confident that their personal information will be treated with the necessary degree of privacy. The following provides information relating to our practices and procedures for protecting the security of your non-public personal information. Throughout this document, we, us, and our mean Captain.

By using the website and/or submitting your details including contact details and other personal details, to use the limousine service you authorise Captain to “Contact” you

The “Contact” may happen over phone, SMS, email or any other medium of communication. The communication could be for the purpose of verifying your details, offering support and information on assisting or sharing related information, providing you with the requested service or promotional messages related to plan(s) or service(s) bought by you

* All credit/debit cards details and personally identifiable information will NOT be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties

* The website Policies and Terms & Conditions may be changed or updated occasionally to meet the requirements and standards. Therefore the Customers’ are encouraged to frequently visit these sections in order to be updated about the changes on the website. Modifications will be effective on the day they are posted.

* Some of the advertisements you see on the Site are selected and delivered by third parties, such as ad networks, advertising agencies, advertisers, and audience segment providers. These third parties may collect information about you and your online activities, either on the Site or on other websites, through cookies, web beacons, and other technologies in an effort to understand your interests and deliver to you advertisements that are tailored to your interests. Please remember that we do not have access to, or control over, the information these third parties may collect. The information practices of these third parties are not covered by this privacy policy


Captain uses the customer data it receives only to carry out the services for which customers have signed up for. In no way will your details be passed to third parties for any other marketing activities

Captain on privacy

We use tracking software to monitor customer traffic patterns and site usage to help us develop the design and layout of the site. This software does not enable us to capture any personally identifying information


Our primary goal in collecting your information (your name, email address, phone number, postal address, profile picture, payment method, financial and credit card information) is to provide you with an enhanced experience when using the Services. We use your information to closely monitor which features of the Services are used most, to allow you to view your trip history, rate trips, and to determine which features we need to focus on improving, including usage patterns and geographic locations to determine where we should offer or focus services, features and/or resources.

Based upon the Protected Information you provide us when registering for an account, we will send you a welcoming email to verify your username and password.

We use the information collected from our Mobile Application so that we are able to serve you the correct app version depending on your device type, for troubleshooting and in some cases, marketing purposes.

We use your Internet Protocol (IP) address to help diagnose problems with our computer server, and to administer our web site(s). Your IP address is used to help identify you, but contains no personal information about you.

We will send you strictly service-related announcements on rare occasions when it is necessary to do so. For instance, if our Services are temporarily suspended for maintenance, we might send you an email. If you do not wish to receive them, you have the option to deactivate your account.

We may use the information obtained from you to prevent, discover and investigate violations of this Privacy Policy or any applicable terms of service or terms of use for the Mobile Application, and to investigate fraud, chargeback or other matters.

We provide some of your Protected Information (such as your name, pick up address, contact number) to the driver who accepts your request for transportation, so that the driver may contact and find you.

We use that geo-location information for various purposes, including for you to be able to view the drivers in your area that are close to your location, for you to set your pick up location, for the drivers to identify the pick-up location, to send you promotions and offers, and to allow you (if you choose through any features we may provide) to share this information with other people.

In addition, we may use your Protected Information or Usage Information that we collect about you: (1) to provide you with information or services or process transactions that you have requested or agreed to receive including to send you electronic newsletters, or to provide you with special offers or promotional materials on behalf of us or third parties; (2) to enable you to participate in a variety of the Services’ features such as online or mobile entry sweepstakes, contests or other promotions; (3) to contact you with regard to your use of the Services and, in our discretion, changes to the Services and/or the Services’ policies; (4) for internal business purposes; (5) for inclusion in our data analytics; and (6) for purposes disclosed at the time you provide your information or as otherwise set forth in this Privacy Policy.


Captain uses the customer data it receives only to carry out the services for which customers have signed up for. In no way will your details be passed to third parties for any other marketing activities.

Customer data could be shared with government regulations due to on demand to abide law.


We store data like your name, image, email, phone number and address in our database.

It will be with us until you unsubscribe service with Captain.

Our use of “cookies”

Cookies are small pieces of information that are stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. Captain does not use “Cookies” of this nature and your use of the website will not result in any additional information being stored on your computer without you requiring it to be stored.

Security of information

Captain considers the security of its customers’ personal information as an important and necessary part of the responsible management of its corporate data. Captain therefore takes all reasonable steps to ensure that their information is secure and is safeguarded from loss, misuse, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. All information is kept on a specifically designed database for Captain's use only

Changes to this privacy policy

Captain has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, post a notification on the main page of our Site,. We encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact us at

Office No-19, Street No-900, First Floor, Area No-55, Doha-Qatar
P.O. Box No: 40799