
Cancellation and Refund Policy

If you ever change your mind, or your circumstances change, you can simply cancel the ride. So if a booking is cancelled after a Captainhas been assigned, we need to compensate them.

No Cancellation fee if booking gets cancellation within 2 minutes.

Cancellation fee gets applied if booking gets cancellation after 2 minutes and captain arrived at your location.

Cancellation Fee: Minimum fare of the services.

Payment Terms and processing fees: We are using the methods, Apple Pay and Google Pay. Money is on hold once order placed and withdrawn once the service is completed.

Refund Policy on Captain: Our Valued Customers, Captain tries its level best to provide best possible taxi services to its end customers through our app. Our decision on refunds shall be at our sole discretion and shall be final and binding. Refunds will be done only through the Original Mode of Payment.


Cancellation fee is charged to users who cancel after the specified time and the remaining amount will be refunded within 4 to 5 business days after refund request.


Refund request after consuming the service depends entirely on our customer service review/feedback. If you are not satisfied with the service provided by the Captain and looking for refund, you could avail refund based on your complaint and the review/feedback provided by customer service analyze. In this case, user has to contact us immediately on [email protected] Refund request received after 2 days will not be accepted. If case is true, amount will be refunded within 4 to 5 business days after refund request.